The other day I mentioned the speech contests. Well for those of you that are interested I managed to find the schedule of the division contests. There are 10 division contests.
I have never been to a Div contest. If you have, we’d love to hear from you. What’s the experience like? Why do you go?
I’ve been to an area contest and the stress and tension in the room is incredible. Everyone sits on pins and needles awaiting each contestant. While Toasties are a competitive bunch, we also like to rally around each competitor, hoping they’ll bring their A-game (a little sports speak) and surpass their own expectations.
I imagine the Division contest is even more intense.
The 10 Division contests are happening on different days starting Sat Apr 13, Thurs Apr 18, Fri the 19th, Sat the 20th, and Thurs the 25th. Here’s the schedule online. D21 Contest Schedule
The top speakers in the region of BC will move to compete at the District level at the Spring Conference. You’ll see both an International Speech Contest and Evaluation Contest. It should be an unreal experience!
Stay well, until tomorrow,