How do you meet new people?

In an earlier blog I wrote about meeting new people.

I thought maybe we could share some ideas on how to expand your circle of connections.

As the May conference is coming up, these suggestions are focused on making connections at the conference.

Crowds trying to meet one another at the Spring Toastmasters Conference. (Not so, it's the crowds on the Great Wall of China, but you knew that.)  Photo: Reuters
Crowds trying to meet one another at the Spring Toastmasters Conference. (Not so, it’s the crowds on the Great Wall of China, but you knew that.) Photo: Reuters

Here are the suggestions, what are yours?

  • Arrive early before the conference starts and meet people through mingling.
  • Set a numbered goal to meet several new people at breaks, e.g. 3 people.
  • Rotate your seating for each session so you sit with new people.
  • Say hello and introduce yourself to those you are sitting with are your table.
  • For users of social media,
    • follow the discussion on twitter using the hashtag #D21SpringConf. Follow those in the discussion and see if you can put faces to names through the day.
    • take photos and post on your facebook and the D21 facebook page  (Make sure you gain permission to take people’s photos before posting online.)

To go to the next level, when you sit at a new table introduce yourself to *every single person* at that table.


How do you meet new people at a conference? Any suggestions to add to this list?


Stay well, until tomorrow,


Linda crop Sep09

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